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MDI Ice Cream

By: Emilynn

Are you looking for the best ice cream in the business? If so, look no farther! I’m here to help you, MDI Ice Cream is what you need (there are two places you can go to get this ice cream! But I’m talking about the one on Main Street in Bar Harbor).
There are many reasons but here are just a few, first note that you won’t be seeing plain vanilla or chocolate, do you think I’m going to tell you about an awesome ice cream place with no fun flavors!? No way!!! MDI Ice Cream is full of fearless flavor.
Are you athletic, because if you are there’s a field right next door!

Have fun!
Route 66
By: Calie
Listen up I have something very important to tell you!!! Route 66 is the best place to go if you are looking for something different.
First of all you should go to Route 66 because it is very good and they have a train that moves. It is also cool because it has great food.
They also have a train that goes around the restaurant. It is also cool because they have stuff from the 50s and 60s.
Also they have a bunch of desserts. My favorite is the chocolate fudge cake. They also have ice cream in a car, peanut butter pie, lemon pie and a really good chocolate fudge cake.
And that is why I think you should go to Route 66.

Pat’s Pizza

By: Harmony

Hey you! I have something so important to tell you! The best restaurant in Bar Harbor, Maine is Pat’s Pizza. You need to go there!
First of all the reasons is, that they have pizza! I am not saying gross week old pizza, I’m saying cheesy, delicious pizza! They have 38 different toppings. Including, pepperoni, ham, bacon, and more!
Second, Pat’s has so many customers a year! “Love the food I would give this restaurant five stars.” Someone actually said that!

So after all these reasons I hope you finally agree with me that Pat’s Pizza is the best restaurant in Bar Harbor!

Trailhead Cafe

By: Svatava

Hey kids! Do you like hot chocolate? If you do the best place to go on MDI is Trailhead Cafe.
Do you like whip cream on your hot chocolate? At Trailhead Cafe not only you can have whip cream on it but you can also have sprinkles!
Also, Trailhead Cafe is really friendly. Their waitresses are really nice, have kind and comforting voices, and will ask you kindly if you want whip cream and sprinkles.
This is why Trailhead Cafe is the best place on MDI. It has muffins and much more awesome stuff but mainly, HOT CHOCOLATE!

Ben & Bills Chocolate Emporium

By: Eli

Hi! I have really good news for you. The best ice cream (in my opinion) is BEN & BILLS!!! I think their ice cream and sweets are so tasty. If I had a choice to go eat ice cream I would pick BEN & BILLS! So I will tell you what they have now. Wait!? Buckle up your seat belt because this is going to be a bumpy ride!
First the ice cream is so good! For example, my two favorite ice cream flavors are chewy gooey and chocolate tsunami. They have a lot flavors, so do not be worried. Also there are about 15 different kinds of gelato and that is good too!
Last, there is good candy there. They have a whole shelf of it. But guess what? The candy is good too! For example, there are brownies, fudge, gummies, anything you think of, it’s there.

In conclusion, I think that Ben and Bills is one of my favorite places to go to. That’s my opinion what’s yours? Bye! Oh yeah you can unbuckle your seat belts now.

Side Street Cafe

By Lilly

Hello! I have the BEST thing to tell you because this restaurant called Side Street Cafe is great. They have great things to do!
My first reason is that they have great entertainment and they have great waiters. If you do not know what a waiter is, it’s someone that brings your food to you.
Last, but not least, they are KID friendly. For example, they have toys that you can play with.
You NEED to go there!




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